John Glen Astronaut
Sprowtt Launch Pad offers an innovative and unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to explore and commercialize potentially disruptive technologies originally developed by the nation’s most prestigious Colleges and Universities gas well as government laboratories. Sprowtt Launch Pad brings together some of the world’s brightest and most motivated entrepreneurs to evaluate and commercialize patented technologies from leading government organizations such as NASA, the Department of Defense, the NIH, and the EPA. read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Nanosensor Array for Medical Diagnoses A low-power, and compact nanosensor array chip NASA has developed an innovative approach to improve the quality and convenience of medical diagnosis, and data read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Aircraft Vertical Takeoff & Landing Vertical takeoff UAV enables long endurance missions and is easy to transport NASA's Langley Research Center has developed an inexpensive, long endurance vertical read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Advanced powder coatings for longer-lasting, improved corrosion control The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) seeks partners interested in the further development and commercial app read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Full Spectrum Infrasonic Stethoscope for Screening Heart, Carotid Artery, and Lung Related Diseases Allow physicians to screen heart, carotid artery, and lung related diseases at an early stage using read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Aluminum Alloy for High Temperature Applications A novel low cost cast aluminum alloy offers dramatic strength at high temperatures NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center originally developed a high-perf read more...
AGENCY : nasa
NASA's Langley Research Center researchers offer you methods for particle contamination mitigation. The methods were developed for exploration of surfaces such as Moon, Mars, and asteroids. During pas read more...
AGENCY : nasa
STATUS : Close
Looking for a technology to ward off corrosion that’s also safe for the environment? Researchers at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center have done just that. Dating back to the Space Shuttle era of NASA, t read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Unique Filament Grid Removes Dust During Connector Mating NASA Kennedy Space Center seeks partners interested in the commercial application of the Dust Tolerant Quick Disconnect With Self-Sealing Barr read more...
AGENCY : nasa
A layered composite insulation system for non-vacuum applications and extreme environmental exposure conditions NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has developed a layered composite insulation system for read more...
AGENCY : dod
NASA seeks to license the NASA-developed technology Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron (EZVI) for use in commercial applications. Developed at the John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC), this process provides fo read more...
AGENCY : dod
The Inductive Non-Contact Position Sensor is a highly accurate sensor for motion control applications. The sensor was designed to monitor the precise movements of an optical inspection system that mea read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Safe2Ditch Technology Autonomous crash management to a safe and clear ditch site for small UAVs Highly capable small UAVs provide substantial business opportunity, especially if allowed to operate in read more...
AGENCY : nasa
NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center has developed a humidity sensor that offers high sensitivity and extremely fast response and recovery across a range of humidity levels. The sensor is based on a read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Beamformed Retroreflector Technology Researchers at the NASA Johnson Space Center have created a suite of RFID technologies focused in the areas of inventory man read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Fast, Precise Dead-End Welding Device for superior, high-quality welds in tubing NASA Goddard Space Flight Center invites companies to license this dead-end welding device for use in the welding of read more...
AGENCY : nasa
lightweight Fiber Optic Sensors for Real-Time Monitoring of Structural Health To improve efficiency and safety in aerospace, civil engineering, transportation, oil and gas, renewable energy, and medi read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Shape Sensing Innovations Dramatically Improve Structural Design Tools Useful for transportation, infrastructure, and aerospace Advances in fiber optic shape sensing developed at NASA's Armstrong Fl read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Autonomous Positioning and Navigation Network Developing a M2M architecture for on-board navigation and positioning Engineers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center have developed a machine-to-machi read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Propeller/Rotor Phase Control for Reduction of Community Noise from Distributed Propulsion Vehicles Method of adjusting relative angular positions of propeller and/or rotor blades to modify the spati read more...
AGENCY : nasa
Spanwise Adaptive Wing Shape memory alloy actuators reconfigure aircraft wings in flight NASA's Glenn Research Center is providing the opportunity to license a novel means of articulating the outboa read more...
How SPROWTT Works!
Sprowtt Launch Pad offers an innovative and unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to explore and commercialize potentially disruptive technologies originally developed by the nation’s most prestigious Colleges and Universities gas well as government laboratories. Sprowtt Launch Pad brings together some of the world’s brightest and most motivated entrepreneurs to evaluate and commercialize patented technologies from leading government organizations such as NASA, the Department of Defense, the NIH, and the EPA.
Launch Pad is powered by the groundbreaking Sprowtt platform, which reduces risk and increases the probability of market success by charging no up-front fees, facilitating early-stage company capitalization, and constructing a path to full commercialization that meets all regulatory requirements.
This opportunity is available to both existing companies and start-ups formed to commercialize the federal government’s best technologies. It addresses many challenges faced by start-up companies, such as raising capital and securing intellectual property rights.
Selected teams will write business plans that lay the foundation for new companies and products in the marketplace. Teams will compete in Sprowtt’s Collegiate Entrepreneurship Tech Transfer Competitions (CETTC), a series of multi-phase competitions designed to validate business plans and reward the best of them. The inaugural CETTC is scheduled to take place in late in coming months , and we expect the competition to be fierce. Teams will be judged based on the feasibility of commercialization of the selected technology and the overall implementation plan. Winners will be awarded the opportunity to utilize the Sprowtt platform at no additional cost to pursue the required capital to launch their company.
The Sprowtt Launch Pad Challenge will ripple throughout the economy, supporting critical industries, creating new businesses and jobs, and attracting entrepreneurs, students, veterans, and active military to science and engineering. Sprowtt Inc.'s investment in the Launch Pad is intended to support future technologies and discoveries, delivering social and economic impacts that benefit the nation today and spur economic growth.
Why are we doing this?
Because commercializing Colleges and Universities spin out and spin technologies as well as U.S. government’s research through Technology transfer it fuels the nation’s relentless need to innovate, provides the U.S. with a competitive advantage, stimulates the economy, and creates jobs and economic prosperity.
At Sprowtt, that’s what we’re all about.
Sprowtt Launch Pad collaborates with colleges, universities, and selected outreach teams to explore market potential.
Coming Soon...
Project Closed
This Technology is not accepting new members at this time. Please apply for another Technology
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Read More >About Sprowtt Launch Pad!
Sprowtt Launch Pad Inc. was founded in 2019 as a subsidiary of Sprowtt Inc. Sprowtt, the parent company established in 2012, is a financial technology (FinTech) company that specializes in creating capital formation and revenue generating software platforms for the burgeoning capital raising industry created by the JOBS Act for medium sized issuer companies. Sprowtt Launch Pad Inc. plans to lead a robust federal lab-to-market campaign designed to stimulate technology transfer of U.S> government patanetdd inventions with strong market potential. This will be done through broad participation by leading colleges and universities and individual entrepreneurs, and focus on supporting commercialization of a wide-ranege of high-tech prodcust and services with technlgocal roots in the deferral government. The inititive will be enabled by the development and operation of Sprowtt’s Technlogy Transfer Gateway. The management team of Sprowtt Launch Pad has five decades of entrepreneurial experience, and has numerous years of experience successfully launching and managing more than a dozen early-stage ventures. The Sprowtt Launch Pad team has collectively raised several rounds of early stage capital and knows what it takes to launch a successful early stage company. The Sprowtt Launch Pad team has the experience to facilitate bringing together the right technology with the right entrepreneurs and partner them with the U.S. government technology transfer professionals to license the inteletual property. Sprowtt Lauch Pad is comitted to building successful early stage companies based on team relationships. Confidence and experience are important in bringing attractive and growing companies to our platform. All Americans now have the same opportunity to participate in Sprowtt Launch Pad through team building, with the right technologies available through governmentsponsored technology transfer programs.